Surrender? I don't think so.
Aren't we deer in the headlights, my friends? We've been saturated with months of political campaigning on all sides, lies, half-truths, obfuscation flying at us, like a storm of locusts or fruit bats. I prefer bats on the wing as an analogy, because of the level of batty posturing on all sides. At a certain point I considered voting for Satchel, a bull terrier, who was making a good deal of sense in some of his media postings.
Today's online baloney sandwich includes a layer of nonsense from the "Christian Science Monitor" about civility. I'll call it the cheese layer. Next is the nitrite, and preservative-laden baloney layer, which a media giant is touting as "every bit as nutritious" as it's organic equivalent. Of course, it isn't about nutrients and there is no equivalent product. Okay, so they're not lying, merely pandering, like pundits and politicians.
If you run on civility, do the civil thing, vote. If, like me, you do not always behave in a politically correct, mannerly, way, do the uncivil thing -- VOTE!
Feeling disenfranchised? Don't. You don't have the luxury! Nor does any one of us have the luxury of throwing away our vote on other than one of two parties. It is a two-party system, people, like it or not.
Mail it, go early, go often ... I don't care. Just know, when we think things for the elderly could not get worse, we find out they certainly can. Get out of your comfort zone. Let Mr. Obama know, just a surely as you let Mr. Romney know, the Boomers and their elders are here, we're in force, and we aren't surrendering.