For so many of America's elders, hunger already looms large. The fact is, the Cost of Living Indices, fail to accurately reflect rises in the cost of necessities, such as food. According to national news this morning, long-predicted spikes in the cost of food are real, and they are here. Nor is the high price of groceries restricted to luxury items like coffee, butter, steak and the like. Now for the double whammy. Low-income households throughout the country, have also seen SNAP benefits slashed, often, to less than half last year's allotment. Sooooo I would ask legislators, in light of the "spike" at check stands across America, "What is the plan?"
The Social Security Administration actually has a "public policy" branch. Who knew? Here is a link to the policy arguments surrounding the (so-called) annual Cost of Living Increase; do not be surprised, however, to find the dialogue unrealistic, in terms of what you are experiencing in real time.
As we stagger to the grocery store check out lane along with other income-challenged folks, weeping as we pay, all "arguments" become irrelevant. Over the years of the economic downturn, our bunch of bananas shrank, until it would just feed a spider monkey. Imagine day-dreaming about banana pudding, reducing it to banana pudding without bananas, and you almost have it. Of course, there are no vanilla wafers or eggs, so you're stuck with powdered milk. So, now, envision a half-glass of powdered milk with one slice of banana floating, et voila, Chef!
The day hunger is eradicated from the earth there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world.- Federico Garcia Lorca
One only need glance at the history of Social Security COLA increases, to observe how bitter partisan politics and false priorities affect us all. Prior to 1975, COLA increases for Social Security recipients were legislated, so recent history begins in 1975. However, the decade beginning in the early 90s saw dramatic decreases in distributions. The most recent decade brought us to years of tiny and zero percentages in distributions. Call me crazy, but I would love to see policy-makers deal with shrinking budgets, enormous bills and greatly lowered government benefits, as do vulnerable citizens.
One hears a great deal in social media about hunger abroad and childhood hunger here in the United States. No less tragic is the plight of older Americans, particularly, minorities, women and disabled or "frail" elderly. I want to ask the President of the United States why our government continues to give short shrift, wholesale, to older Americans. The presumption that charities are feeding elders nourishing food is hogwash.
I can attest to the fact that Charity meals at senior centers are a nightmare, nutritionally, aesthetically, socially ... in every way. Food bank handouts, while they can save lives, are still severely impacted by the economic downturn in this country. (Not to mention, they were never meant to provide adequate nutrition.) Churches, hard-pressed hard-pressed to meet the needs of their own congregations, cannot pick up the slack. Any elder, who has received a monthly box of government commodities, can tell you, a box of powdered and steri-pack milk, canned pears and potatoes, a can of the world's worst chili or "beef stew," a bag of pinto beans, a bag of white rice and some variety of cold cereal, brings as little nutrition as it does joy. Meals on Wheels ... I won't even go there, except to say, school lunches, before reforms were imposed, weren't the only ugly lunches in America.
Rachel Ray is one of the few celebrities I have ever heard mention hunger as an increasing specter for senior citizens, and I'd like to acknowledge her for paying attention. Often, if we have families, they help pick up the slack, but to the detriment of our self-esteem and their budgets. When families must see after the basic needs of their elder members, they put their, their children's and grandchildren's futures on the line. How can this be right for America? If you agree, please put your money, literally, where your mouth is.
Speak up, create and join the dialog, contact your legislators directly, and vote, vote, vote! Don't just click on a petition (that's like just standing with your mouth open.) Get doing!