Have you waited and watched, while stem cell clinics, marketers, and hucksters grew like cancers? I have, and confess to halting my knee surgeries, in part, because I was so hopeful there would be a better alternative. Boy did the t.v. ads make it seem stem cell therapy would be the ultimate answer...simple, non-invasive and incredibly effective.
Incredible is the key word here. Insurance was the first issue for me. Undaunted, though, I thought insurers would catch up with the technology. Surely the savings to them vis a vis surgical treatment, would prove a huge incentive. Hmmm...don't know how long I would have waited for Hades to freeze, but I've endured at least a couple of years more pain and limitation, waiting to go forward with knee replacement surgeries.
Of course I've continued addressing my degenerative joint disease with anti-inflammatory supplements and dietary changes. Surgeries may not have solved the problem, and the drawbacks are obvious. But you get the point.
False hope, however, did not cost me what it has cost people, who spend substantial amounts of money on 'stem cell' procedures. This is the 21st Century Golden Fleece, and seniors, in particular, are being fleeced at alarming rates. The science is simply not in place, and providers are NOT using stem cells. Some, though not all, are treating patients with amniotic fluid containing dead cells; some use platelet-enriched blood from the patients themselves.
in a heartbreak of dashed hopes. Worse still are people who have suffered terrible damage from stem cell treatments no physician or researcher would recommend. Here is a link to a news article that may change your mind about how benign the stem cell business has evolved to be. Good luck out there. I wish you well, but stem cell treatment is about as well regulated as the Wild West of the 1800s: