Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Women Online

Monday brought a pleasant surprise.  A young woman thanked me for my efforts in promoting women. She had read my long neglected blog, and reminded me I mentioned iwpr.org, the Internet address of the Institute for Women's Policy Research, in a 2013 post. I revisited the post, and will update it soon, and repost.

However, I never thought to promote women with my blog. Rather I intended to inform elders of both sexes, as well as caregivers and families who are involved with aging people and issues pertinent to our aging American population.

My unexpected fan suggested a new topic for women of all ages and backgrounds, online safety for women, and pointed the way to an online resource. As a result, I am providing a link below to a vpnmentor blog post of "The Empowering Guide to Internet Safety for Women." Why is it empowering? I suspect my female readers could do with a layer of preventive safety measures, to give us direct control over our online lives. In so doing we empower greater confidence, even, self-esteem.

This information is important for men, as well; however men are less likely to be sexually targeted, than women. As do women in the #metoo movement, most of us have intense stories to tell, ranging from the dishearteningly unpleasant, to the dangerous and, in some instances, the heartbreaking.

So, having reviewed the Guide, I sincerely recommend it to women of any age, Internet savvy or not. Men, especially as you are our fathers, brothers, friends and husbands, I invite you to utilize the Guide, too.

https://www.vpnmentor.com/blog/To keep up-to-date with public policy issues and information of particular interest to women, have a look at the iwpr.org site (The Institute for Women's Policy Research) and a list of timely, interesting publications.