Monday, December 2, 2013

Me and The Grinch

Whew! Thanksgiving 2013 is finished, picked as clean as the turkey carcass after the soup. We may have limped toward it, but two of my children, a grandson, and I, had a glorious dinner together. My children worked way too hard, but we have a new plan for next year. 
Sooooooo, what's the Christmas plan? For my part, I'm going to try not to let the Grinch get hold of Christmas. First I made a declaration last year not to be in tight spaces with certain extended family. Next, poor as I am, I turned down a Christmas catering contract, electing, instead, to celebrate with my children and grandchildren.

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. 
-Charles Dickens

Instead of writing Santa this year, I've written notes to the Grinch:
  • You'll have a hard time finding me in your favorite haunts, Mr. Grinch. No malls, big box stores or parking lots for this gal. There won't be family 'discussions,' either. We will not incorporate causes or conflict into our celebration of Christ's birthday. 
  • If you really want to consult with me, I'll be hosting a treat room for patrons of a small pet boutique, Saturdays in December. You won't like it. The shop owners involve themselves in animal rescue, so they are generous and caring. While I am there, I'll take in the fun and color of my neighborhood Winterfest. This may not make you happy, but I'll be delighted.
  • Although you're lurking about, Mr. Grinch, I refuse to allow you to shame me into doing the same things I've always done. I've already said no to participating in certain things, and the list is growing, because I'm redefining the word celebrate. Christmas is a feast of music, lights and food. I mean to enjoy them all.
  • No, thank you, Mr. Grinch, I'm not running about to attend this, that and the other event. I plan to eat a healthy meal or snack, before I rush off anywhere. (I don't plan to accumulate Christmas baggage, physical or emotional.) I'm rarely tempted to drink more than a glass of wine with a little food, so no holiday hangover or attendant regret is headed my way.
  • As we were discussing, Mr. Grinch, fatigue becomes no woman. I don't plan elaborate decorating, crafts and cooking projects for Christmas. Nor is Winter going to hamper my willingness to exercise. Long walks can be a challenge, depending upon Denver's weather, so I'll buy my dog an indoor gym pass at the Zoom Room. Me? I'm starting a yoga class.
  • What do I believe this holiday should mean, Mr. Grinch, besides not having you in it? This is a tough question, besides general giving and forgiving. Love is enough.
  • It feeds my soul to prepare for a year ahead. It's the time of year to purchase new calendars and great reads. 
  • Christmas means volunteering. In my neighborhood, there is a homeless shelter for teenagers, a perfect opportunity and place for sharing with the people who are best at keeping Christmas, Who Children.
Knock yourself out, Mr. G, try and steal that!

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